Trephine biopsy staining
For patient safety and convenience, biopsies are usually performed on the posterior iliac crest. The biopsy specimen should measure at least 1.6 cm and, if it does not, consideration should be given to repeating the procedure, possibly on the contralateral iliac crest. If bone marrow aspiration is found to be impossible, imprints from the biopsy specimen should be obtained. Otherwise, the specimen is placed immediately into fixative and after fixation is embedded in a resin or, more usually, decalcified and embedded in paraffin wax. Thin sections are cut and are stained, as a minimum, with haematoxylin and eosin and with a reticulin stain Indications for performing a trephine biopsy. It can be: + Inadequate or failed aspirate. + Need for accurate assessment of cellularity, whether increased or decreased. + Suspected focal lesion (for example, suspected granulomatous disease or lymphoma). + Suspected bone marrow fibrosis. + Need to study bone marrow architecture. + Need to...