
Showing posts from November, 2021

Stain & Dye & their uses

  What is the different between stains and Dyes? •        A dye is colouring agent used for general purposes and a stain is used for any biological specimen staining. Also dye is crude and stain is purified form. •        Dyes are the textile colouring agents that have been prepared with lesser specifications and they may contain   the impurities. •        Stains are the biological colouring agents that are more pure and prepared with greater care and specification. •        Stain is temporary whereas dyes are permanent and can be removed only after cell wall destruction. .      Dyes is coloring agent used for general purpose.       example : textile industry dyes are used - this dye containing many impurities. .      Stains is coloring agent used for biological specimen. ...

Definition, Principle & Classification of Dye Chemistry

  M ost tissues, specially animal tissues, are colorless. Dyes are colored substances with affinity for specific molecules of tissues, so they get attached to the tissue and provide color. Staining is the process for coloring tissues by using dyes. It allows visualizing cells and extracellular matrix to be studied with light microscopes. Staining is usually done on tissue sections and cell smears. The most common sections for staining are those obtained from paraffin embedding and frozen tissues. Dyes are the main components of the general staining protocols performed in histology labs.  Principle of Dye Chemistry A  dyeing process  is the interaction between a dye and a fiber, as well as the movement of dye into the internal part of the fiber. Generally, a dying process involves adsorption (transfer of dyes from the aqueous solution onto the fiber surface) and diffusion (dyes diffused into the fiber). In addition to direct absorption, dyeing may also in...