Blood Collection Process: Capillary A Blood test is prescribed in most of the blood-related disorders, metabolic disorders and in various infections as well as for the Regular health Check-ups. Whenever a small amount of blood is required for the tests, instead of venipuncture, a capillary puncture is done to collect the sample. In Children and Adults, finger puncture is done to collect the blood sample whereas, in Infants, Heel puncture is done to obtain the specimen. ROUTINE CAPILLARY PUNCTURE BLOOD COLLECTION GUIDELINES CAPILLARY PUNCTURE Capillary puncture may be used for obtaining specimens in infants or in adults where venipuncture is difficult. Specimens from infants under the age of 6 months are typically collected by heelstick. Patients over the age of 6 months should have capillary specimens collected by fingerstick. Capillary specimens are collected in microtainers with colored caps that are used to indentify the microtain...