
Showing posts from August, 2022

Sample accountability


Clinical sample collection--6


Clinical sample collection--5


Clinical sample collection--4


Clinical sample collection--3


Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-4 Brief knowledge about Nation and International Agencies for clinical laboratory accreditation

 Brief knowledge about Nation and International Agencies for clinical laboratory accreditation National and International Connections IAS has achieved worldwide recognition and acceptance of its accreditation programs. IAS-accredited testing laboratories, inspection agencies and fabricator inspection programs are recognized and used by thousands of building regulators in the U.S. and other countries in carrying out their regulatory duties. In the U.S. alone, all 50 states, and regulatory jurisdictions within those states, have adopted codes published by the International Code Council (ICC), related to energy conservation, residential and commercial buildings, plumbing, electrical systems, fire safety, fuel gases, and sewage disposal. Adoption of these codes means that products, services and systems must be tested and inspected for compliance with code or fabricated in conformance with code regu...

Clinical sample collection-2


Clinical sample collection-1


Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-1 Introduction to Basics of GLP and Accreditation

  Introduction to Basics of GLP and Accreditation Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) regulations became part of the regulatory landscape in response to following malpractices in research and development ( R & D ) activities of pharmaceutical companies and contract facilities used by them :  • Poorly - trained study directors and study personnel • Poorly - designed protocols  • Protocols not followed prescribed procedures not conducted as • Raw data badly collected not correctly identified without traceability not verified or approved by responsible persons • Lack of standardized procedures • Poor animal husbandry • Inadequate characterization of test items and test systems • Inadequate resources • Equipment not properly calibrated or otherwise qualified • Reports not sufficiently verified , not an accurate account of the actual study , not a proper reflection of raw data • Archives inadequate    The malpractice included some cases of fraud , but by far the mos...

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-3 Advantages of Accreditation

Advantages of Accreditation  or  BENEFITS OF ACCREDITATION    Laboratory Accreditation enhances customer confidence in accepting testing / calibration reports issued by accredited laboratories . The globalization of Indian economy and the liberalization policies initiated by the government in reducing trade barriers and providing greater thrust to exports makes it imperative for accredited laboratories to be at international level of competence. Besides the above , formal recognition of competence of a laboratory by an accreditation body in accordance with international criteria has many other advantages: • Potential increase in business due to enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction. • Savings in terms of time and money due to reduction or elimination of the need for re - testing of products. • Better control of laboratory operations and feedback to laboratories as to whether they have sound Quality Assurance System and are technically competent. • Increase of...

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-2 Aims of GLP and Accreditation

Aims of GLP and Accreditation   GLP AIM  To make the incidence of false negatives more obvious . GLP helps scientists avoid getting false negatives from their studies because the studies are standardized where they can be and because the variables are well documented. To make the incidence of false positives more obvious . In the same way that GLP helps avoid false negatives , GLP also helps scientists avoid false positives . To promote mutual recognition of study data across international frontiers.   GLP STUDY PROTOCOL  GLP defines the working environment under which studies are : PLANNED PERFORMED RECORDED REPORTED ARCHIVED  MONITORED   PLANNED which is why great emphasis is given to the study plan ( protocol ) and to possible planned changes throughout the study.   PERFORMED  this refers to the Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ) which are a GLP requirement.   RECORDED  The collection of raw data and the recording of deviatio...

Ethical Principles and standards for a clinical laboratory professional-3

DUTY TO SOCIETY As practitioners of an autonomous profession , clinical laboratory professionals have the responsibility to contribute from their sphere community of professional competence to the general well being of the community. Clinical laboratory professionals comply with relevant laws and regulations pertaining to the practice of clinical laboratory science and actively seek , within the dictates of their consciences, to change those which do not meet the high standards of care and practice to which the profession is committed.       .

Ethical Principles and standards for a clinical laboratory professional-1

 DUTY TO THE PATIENT   Clinical laboratory professionals are accountable for the quality and integrity of the laboratory services they provide .  This obligation includes maintaining individual competence in judgement and performance and striving to safeguard the patient from incompetent or illegal practice by others .  Clinical laboratory professionals maintain high standards of practice . They exercise sound judgment in establishing , performing and evaluating laboratory testing . Clinical laboratory professionals maintain strict confidentiality of patient information and test results. They safeguard the dignity and privacy of patients and provide accurate information to other health care professionals about the services they provide .      .

Ethical Principles and standards for a clinical laboratory professional-2

DUTY TO COLLEAGUES AND THE PROFESSION    Clinical laboratory professionals uphold and maintain the dignity and respect of our profession and strive to maintain a reputation of Honesty , integrity and reliability .  They contribute to the advancement of the profession by improving the body of knowledge , adopting scientific advances that benefit the patient , maintaining high standards of practice and education , and seeking fair socioeconomic working conditions for members of the profession .  Clinical laboratory professionals actively strive to establish cooperative and respectful working relationships with other health care professionals with the primary objective of ensuring a high standard of care for the patients they serve .    .

Hb Estimation by Other Methods

Hb Estimation by CMG Method


Hb Estimation

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Demonstration of Equipment's used in clinical Hematology-3


Demonstration of Equipments used in clinical Haematology-2

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Demonstration of Equipment's used in clinical Hematology


Important equipment used in Hematology Lab

 Important equipment used in Hematology Lab,coagulation%20analyzers%2C%20and%20slide%20stainers.         .