TOTAL PLATELET COUNT USING HEMOCYTOMETER / NEUBAUER’s CHAMBER (MICRO DILUTION & MACRO DILUTION METHOD) A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO PLATELETS / THROMBOCYTES The Platelets, also known as Thrombocytes, are the Oval, Round or rod-like cells present in the blood that helps mainly in the clotting of blood. On an average, the size of the Platelets is 2 – 4 µm (microns). The mature Thrombocytes are non-nucleated cells with a minute granules present in the cytoplasm and there is no pigment present in Platelets. The Average lifespan of Platelets is 3-10 days. Normally about 150,000 – 450,000 cells are present per cubic millimeter (mm 3 ) of blood . Platelet counts can be done manually or using automated cell counters. Since many laboratories use instruments that count platelets, red cells and leukocytes concurrently, a platelet count is a routinely reported result on many samples of dog and horse blood. However, platelet clumping will lower (and in some instances invalidate) the platelet co...