Histo Case Study


Case study:-

A 25-year-old woman presented to her primary care physician with a one-week history of blurred vision in her left eye. She stated that it was painful to move that eye. She grew up in Minnesota and has smoked one-half of a pack of cigarettes/day for the last 7 years. Further questioning reveals that she had unilateral tingling on her left side in the two weeks before her wedding 3 years ago.  CSF analysis showed mildly elevated protein and moderate pleocytosis. MRI revealed multiple hypointense lesions and FLAIR (fluid-attentuated inversion recovery) MRI showed multiple supratentorial lesions. When the patient learned of her possible diagnosis, she returned home and took an overdose of sleeping pills. Gross and microscopic images of the autopsy are provided.

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MRI shows multiple white matter lesions in the corpus callosum, subcortical U-fibers, temporal lobes, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord.

Grossing shows , multiple well circumscribed somewhat depressed lesions in the white matter. A coronal section through the cerebrum has been stained with luxol fast blue/hematoxylin and eosin which stains the myelinated white matter blue and the cortex pink. There are multiple plaques of demyelination.

By observing all these finding explain that patient is suffering from which condition. What is the differential diagnosis? What could be the reason of lesion?What type of stain is suggested by the pathologist?





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