B.Sc. MLS 5th Sem Histotechnology Notes (BMLS 504-18)

 B.Sc. MLS 5th Sem Histotechnology Notes

1. Introduction to histotechnology

2. Care and maintenance of laboratory equipment used in histotechnology

3. Safety measures in a histopathology laboratory

4. Basic concepts about routine methods of examination of tissues

5. Collection and transportation of specimens for histological examination

6. Basic concepts of fixation

7. Various types of fixatives used in a routine histopathology laboratory:

       i. Simple fixatives

       ii. Compound fixatives,

       iii. Special fixatives for demonstration of various tissue elements

8. Decalcification

       a. Criteria of a good decalcification agent, 

       b. Technique of decalcification followed with selection of tissue, fixation, decalcification,

           neutralization of acid and thorough washing. 

       c. Various types of decalcifying fluids:

            Organic & Inorganic Acid, chelating agents, Use of Ion-exchange resigns and Electrophoretic

            decalcification and treatment of hard tissues which are not calcified.

9. Processing of various tissues for histological examination: 

       a. Embedding,

       i. Definition

       ii. Various types of embedding media,

       iii. Procedure followed by:



              Infiltration and 

              routine timing schedule for manual or automatic tissue processing. 

       iv. Components & principles of various types of automatic tissue processors

10. Section Cutting:

       a. Introduction regarding equipment used for sectioning,

       b. Microtome Knives, Sharpening of Microtome Knives,

           Honing, Stropping, various types of microtome and their applications

       c. Freezing Microtome and various types of Cryostats. 

       d. Faults in paraffin section cutting with reason and remedy, spreading the sections and attachment

            or mounting of sections to glass slides.

11. Staining, Impregnation and Mountants:

       a. Theory of Staining

              Classifications of Dyes, Principles of Dye Chemistry,

       b. Stains and Dyes and their uses,

       c. Types of Stains, Chemical Staining Action, Mordants and Accentuators, Metachromasy.

       d. Use of Controls in Staining Procedures,

       e. Preparation of Stains, solvents, aniline water and buffers etc.,

       f. Commonly used mountants in histotechnology lab.

       g. General Staining Procedures for Paraffin Infiltrated and Embedded tissue.

       h. Nuclear Stains and Cytoplasmic stains,

       i. Equipment and Procedure for manual Staining and Automatic Staining Technique.

       j. Mounting of Cover Slips, Labeling and Cataloguing the Slides.

12. Routine Staining Procedures:

       a. Haematoxylin and Eosin Staining, various types of Haematoxylins

       b. Mallory’s Phosphotungstic Acid Haematoxylin (PTAH)




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